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It can be lonely at the top of the technology tree in an organisation…
Sometimes it can feel like you are seen as not much more than an internal supplier, as a cost centre, rather than a dynamic function that can add considerable value to your business.
Considering that a large proportion of future growth will come through a company’s effective use of technology, why is it that IT is not part of the conversation at the top table?
We can help you readdress that balance - Be taken seriously and respected by the Stakeholders and be seen as a true partner rather than an order-taker. Focussing on the Business Value of IT and not as a cost to the business.
This is not traditional consultancy - where the knowledge leaves as soon as they walk out the door. We will give you and your teams the tools to succeed long after our engagement.
In an ever-changing environment you need an IT Strategy and Operating model that is flexible and adaptable to meet the needs of an unpredictable world. COVID19 and BREXIT have and will continue to change our ways of working for the foreseeable future, whilst the demands of the business will never abate.
Through working with many CIOs, IT Directors and their leadership teams across industries over the years, I often heard the same phrase repeated; “I just don’t have enough time…”. Enough time to focus on my long-term strategy. Enough time to develop my leadership team. Through this service we can help you:
So many organisations view cost optimisation as purely a one-off cost-cutting exercise. This is usually when they are arbitrarily challenged by the finance teams: e.g. “I need you to shave 15% off the IT operating costs”. The problem with this approach is that the same question will be asked the following budgetary year and it quickly becomes a race to the bottom, where quality and service suffer most. Through our framework you will be able to:
Many businesses are currently embarking on large scale, high-profile programmes of work (or are about to). There are so many models on best practice on how to successfully deliver these types of programmes that just go to prove the point that if there was one methodology that worked for everything we would all be using it. Set you and your team up for success by identifying and implementing the right approach for your business. Programme Management Services include:
Build a framework to manage your supplier base ensuring that you get the best value from each of your strategic partnerships. Compare and evaluate like for like products and services without subjectivity by using our toolkits and templates.
Get in touch
You can reach our advisory consultant using the details below
T.07990 515 529
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